Sunday, August 14, 2011


Online Homework:

1. Portal Website
At this website I learned that you cannot post any photography taken by the person on any other website or use it in any way shape or form, so I cannot post what I wanted to. But the photographs I did see were very clear and interesting. I also realized that after browsing through this website I found myself bored out of my mind, except for when I was looking through the photography. As a photographer, I really would like to invest in purchasing a "nice" camera.

2. Wisconsin Arts Board
I was interested to see that on the website there was a poetry section, I honestly never thought that poetry could be considered art; and seeing that opened my mind to new things. I started writing again, which is why I haven't blogged in almost two weeks. And I have been focusing on the sketchbook, attempting to draw. I have basically pushed my photography out of the way for a certain amount of time to give it some space, and let my mind create new ideas to photograph.
Anyways, I also saw on the website that there were plenty of art programs or grants, that were suspended. Although I am not planning on majoring in anything that has to do with art, it still upsets me to see that so many things are being pushed away with it. Just like at school how some of the art programs are being cut. Also, my best friend said before she graduated, they cut a lot of art classes and now all they have is freshman art, a class for everything, and then they have an independent class but it's not open to any students; since there's not enough kids that take the class. The sad thing about her school too, is that there are no Advanced Placement Art classes.

3. Schollastic
This website made me wish that I was better at drawing! But I know that it is a talent that some people can learn, with patience. Except, I've mainly seen that it just kind of comes with you. I try at drawing but it's not as good as people that enjoy doing it. I also enjoyed seeing that there are teenagers that are motivated to share their artwork with others.

Art Work for August:

What a busy summer, literally. 34 hours of work every single week, which means 7 hour shifts for 5 days, and I had a maximum of two days off a week. Then, this month, I ended up finishing my AP English homework mainly. So I haven't been able to post many photographs. I did the online work, and I did take some photos but I focused mainly on points of view.